Calls are expensive.
It’s a fact: 80% of your customer support requests will end up in the contact center.
Despite the investment in self service websites, knowledge bases and speaking avatars, the sad truth is that over 60% of those attempting self service will abandon their interaction and call you instead.And that’s not to talk about those customers who will just call you directly, trying to avoid any self service mechanism you have in place.
And when they do call you, they’ll be greeted by a Voice IVR system that has no knowledge of what the customer did on your website prior to placing the call.
Imagine then if at the point your customer abandons the self service session, they are presented with a Visual IVR session instead. A Visual IVR session that is in fact aware of the steps taken by the customer, can ask some clarifying questions, and then expediently route the call to an Agent. And when the agent receives the call, all that information is clearly presented saving the need to embark on a costly data collection conversation with the customer.
In fact, we guarantee a minimum savings of 60 seconds on every call.
For a call center of 100 agents, the average savings from reducing call times by 60 seconds is $760,000. How much will you save?