Visual IVR Resource Center
Multiple resources for you to learn more about what is Visual IVR, how it works and how it can benefit both customers and organizations.
Our Latest!
- Visual IVR Technology Patent Granted to Jacada (see additional patents below)
- Do mobile phone users really prefer solving service issues over a phone call?
- White Paper: Tales of the Past and Future- from Voder to Visual IVR
See how customers prefer Mobile!
Templates to get you started:
- Visual IVR – Use Cases
- The ROI in Making your IVR Visual
- How to make your IVR Visual
- Visual IVR Q&A - You Ask, Experts Answer
From Our Experts:
- Watch: The IVR and Customer Service, Giddy Hollander, Jacada CO-CEO
- Watch: Leveraging the Power of Mobile Customer Service, Giddy Hollander, Jacada CO-CEO
- Watch: Addressing Siloed Customer Service Channels, Giddy Hollander, Jacada CO-CEO
- Why mobile users dislike IVRs?
- Visual IVR- The first easy step to mobile customer service
- From Traditional IVR to Visual IVR in just a few days
- Getting a Greater ROI from your IVR
- IVR Investment Dollars piling up?
- eBook: What can Visual IVR do for your Call Center Bottom line?
- White Paper: Visual IVR- a Win-Win Solution for your company and your customer
- White Paper: Tales of the Past and Future- from Voder to Visual IVR
Technology Patents
- Patent 9,008,288: System and method for supporting self service and associated agent-assisted service call routing
- Patent 8,995,646: System and method for identifying a caller via a call connection, and matching the caller to a user session involving the caller